I am Álvaro Sánchez Picot.
Received my PhD in Ingeniería de sistemas telemáticos at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid in 2019. The thesis title is "Contribution to the integration of network simulators and social simulation environments for the modelling of environments and smart devices".
Titulado superior en Ingeniero de Telecomunicación at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid in 2014. I have been working in several projects, both national and European.
I have experience in programming languages such as Java, Python, JavaScript and node.js.
I have mainly two hobbies. The first one is video games. You can find my main video game library in Steam. Other than those games, I spent several years playing World of Warcraft. Great experience but nowadays only very occasionally. My second hobby is board games. Since I went to the university, I discovered modern boardgames, thanks to the CD-CROM RPG and boardgames club, and I love them. I own a large collection that can be checked here, my favourites being cooperative games.
Sistema de trazabilidad basado en Blockchain para dotar de transparencia y seguridad a la cadena alimentaria del sector cárnico
Mediante el proyecto VACADENA se desarrollará un complejo sistema de seguimiento y trazabilidad de la carne de vacuno que involucra a toda la cadena alimentaria, desde el productor/ganadero hasta el consumidor final, de forma que, además de la información obligatoria, mucha otra información facultativa se integre en un único sistema que permita que ésta sea accesible (con las restricciones oportunas) por cualquier agente o incluso por el consumidor final. Para ello se utilizarán estándares EDI y EAN.UCC, así como tecnologías blockchain, que permitan el intercambio de información, así como la garantía absoluta de la inalterabilidad de toda la información digital relacionada con la trazabilidad.
Main Researcher: Ramón Pablo Alcarria Garrido
2018 - 2021
REF: RTC-2017-6031-2
Main Researcher: Serafín Lopez-Cuervo Medina
2019 - 2021
REF: PCD1912570308
El proyecto tiene como misión desarrollar un sistema de detección de personas que permita incrementar la seguridad perimetral de grandes vehículos y maquinaria, de manera que mediante un sistema sencillo a la vez que robusto y fiable, se pueda determinar la presencia de personal propio en el entorno de los vehículos, con el fin de minimizar el riesgo de atropellos o accidentes sobre el personal de apoyo, pero sin comprometer la seguridad del vehículo. Para el desarrollo del proyecto se han analizado entornos de trabajo con maquinaria pesada, como buldozers contra incendios, palas excavadoras, camiones, cosechadoras, etc, tanto en obra civil, como en extinción de incendios urbanos y forestales, entre otros.
El sistema permite localizar a corta distancia al personal propio, pero tiene como objetivo, dentro de los límites de la tecnología actual, evolucionar para ofrecer otros servicios basados en localización, aprovechando el bajo coste y la ligereza de los elementos que portarán los trabajadores para hacer eficaz el sistema. El sistema debe ser lo suficientemente robusto para resistir su integración en infraestructuras o vehículos de gran tonelaje sin alterar las características técnicas de vehículo ni comprometer su seguridad, con una usabilidad sencilla no complicando los sistemas de control de este tipo de vehículos ya de por sí complejos.
Main Researcher: Tomás E. Robles Valladares
2016 - 2019
REF: PCD1709520044, PCD1709520045, PCD1709520046
Main Researcher: Serafín Lopez-Cuervo Medina
2018 - 2019
REF: FPA190000TOPO2003
Estándar de interoperabilidad para sistemas de control y gestión del agua en zonas regables
Main Researcher: Tomás E. Robles Valladares
2016 - 2019
REF: 604123
Infraestructura para presentación de información visual de bajo consumo y mantenimiento basado en pantallas de tinta electrónica
Main Researcher: Ramón Pablo Alcarria Garrido
2016 - 2018
REF: RTC-2016-4881-7
Tecnologías de Análisis de Sentimientos y emociones para agentes sociales empáticos en inteligencia ambiental
Main Researcher: Tomás E. Robles Valladares
2016 - 2018
REF: TEC2015-68284-R
Data quality and easy services creation in FIESTAIoT
Main Researcher: Diego Martín de Andrés
REF: 643943
Modelado Social de Inteligencia Ambiental aplicado a Grandes Instalaciones
Main Researcher: Tomás E. Robles Valladares
2014 - 2016
REF: S2013/ICE-3019
Future Internet Business Collaboration Networks in Agri-Food, Transport and Logistics
Insights gained in FI-PPP Phase 1 emphasize the need for novel ICT solutions that allow radical improvements for collaboration in business networks. Primary sectors demanding such solutions are Agri-Food and Transport & Logistics industries: several actors (incl. enterprises, authorities, service providers) need to exchange information & communicate across org. borders to conduct business. Current ICT solutions limit this to mostly manual efforts, therewith tremendously hampering business efficiency, effectiveness & sustainability.Leveraging on outcomes of two complementary Phase 1 use case projects (FInest & SmartAgriFood), aim of FIspace is to pioneer towards fundamental changes on how collaborative business networks will work in future. FIspace will develop a multi-domain Business Collaboration Space (short: FIspace) that employs FI technologies for enabling seamless collaboration in open, cross-organizational business networks, establish eight working Experimentation Sites in Europe where Pilot Applications are tested in Early Trials for Agri-Food, Transport & Logistics and prepare for industrial uptake by engaging with players & associations from relevant industry sectors and IT industry.FIspace will extensively utilize GEs and Development Kit from FI-PPP Core Platform, validating its capabilities, openness & versatility for realizing future B2B collaboration solutions. FIspace will be open; other FI-PPP projects and external users & solution providers can easily use, test & exploit it. It supports a future business model where external solution providers, esp. SMEs, can provide additional, novel, and disruptive solutions into the FIspace ecosystem. With this, FIspace will prepare for establishment of a future standard for cross-organizational business collaboration leapfrogging pressing challenges arising in industry, exploit FI technologies developed in FI PPP, and lay foundation for industrial uptake & innovation enablement planned for FI-PPP Phase 3.
Main Researcher: Tomás E. Robles Valladares
2013 - 2015
REF: 604123
Linked Open Data for environment protection in Smart Regions
The Linked Open Data (LOD) Strategy is becoming a source of unprecedented visibility, enabling the generation of new businesses and significant advances for research in the environmental area. Nevertheless, in order for this strategy to become a reality, it is necessary to advance the publication of existing environmental data, usually owned by public bodies. This proposal is focused on how the LOD Initiative can be linked with INSPIRE, GEOSS Data-CORE, GMES and external third parties and how it can impact on the economic and sustainability progress in European Environmental research and protection.
There exists many different information sources for protecting the environment in Europe, mainly focused on Natura 2000 network, and areas where environmental protection and activities like tourism need to be balanced.
SmartOpenData aims to define mechanisms for acquiring, adapting and using Open Data provided by existing sources for environment protection in European protected areas. Through target pilots in these areas, the project will harmonise metadata, improve spatial data fusion and visualisation and publish the resulting information according to user requirements and Linked Open Data principles to provide new opportunities for SMEs.
The SMEs involved will develop new services based on this data. Public bodies and rural and protected areas will benefit from opening their data by improving their knowledge and environment protection through new innovation ecosystems. SMEs, researchers and citizens and will take a central role in pilots developed to enhance the potential of protected areas. Innovation by third party SMEs will be encouraged by the promotion of royalty-free open standards and best practices initiated by SmartOpenData.
SmartOpenData aims to impact in the public and standard availability of data according to the Linked Open Data Strategy for environmental information, addressing globally environmental issues in an affordable and sustainable way.
Main Researcher: Tomás E. Robles Valladares
2013 - 2015
REF: 603824
Sistema de información inteligente aplicado a la compra asistida y personalizada de alimentos
El objetivo del proyecto es la creación de un sistema de gestión de información alineado con la iniciativa europea de la Future Internet (FI), y las correspondientes aplicaciones y servicios que permitan a los usuarios y los participantes en el proceso de distribución de los alimentos gestionar la información relativa a los productos, la experiencia y las preferencias de los clientes.
Desde el punto de vista de los usuarios finales se pretende mejorar su experiencia de compra dotándoles de una herramienta flexible que posibilite el acceso transparente a la información que consideren necesaria.
Desde el punto de vista de los vendedores se permitirá mejorar la satisfacción de los usuarios y automatizar la recogida de información referente a la experiencia y preferencias de los clientes pero sin incriminar la complejidad y los costes del sistema de logística y venta. Para esto se desarrollarán herramientas sobre terminales móviles (Smartphones, tablets, PDAs) con las que el usuario pueda acceder a diversos servicios relacionados con la compra: lista de compra, información de productos, logos, ofertas personalizadas, pago a través del móvil, recomendaciones, compartición de experiencias, etc.
Dentro del sector agroalimentario, el punto final de la cadena de distribución ofrece un elemento de interacción con el cliente final que puede y debe usarse en combinación con las capacidades de las tecnologías TIC avanzadas para mejorar los procesos, crear nuevos servicios, mejorar la experiencia de compra de los usuarios, y en general potenciar el sector agroalimentario español mediante las tecnologías y servicios que permitan gestionar de forma flexible y escalable la información y hacerla llegar a donde pueda ser de utilidad.
Main Researcher: Tomás E. Robles Valladares
2013 - 2015
REF: IPT-2012-0230-060000
Tecnologías de Agentes e Ingeniería de Servicios para Diagnóstico y Configuración de la Red del Hogar Mediante un Teléfono Móvil
La finalidad del proyecto CALISTA es aplicar tecnologías semánticas, de ingeniería de servicios y de sistemas multiagente al desarrollo de un sistema de diagnóstico, configuración y gestión de la red del hogar. El proyecto aprovechará que incluso en casos de falta de acceso a la red de banda ancha(ADSL, FTTH), el usuario dispone de un acceso alternativo a la red móvil 3G mediante su teléfono, yque su teléfono o tableta son interfaces naturales para el usuario.
Main Researcher: Carlos Angel Iglesias Fernández
2012 - 2015
REF: TEC2012-32457
Main Researcher: Tomás E. Robles Valladares
2013 - 2015
REF: A/02/00/04-DITTRV004 MEGA
Main Researcher: Tomás E. Robles Valladares
2012 - 2015
REF: 2012-I-FRI-LEO053246
El objetivo principal del proyecto CADUCEO es optimizar la eficacia y eficiencia de los procesos hospitalarios para mejorar la prestacio?n de servicios por parte del personal sanitario, de manera que aumente la calidad de vida de los pacientes a su cargo.
Main Researcher: Tomás E. Robles Valladares
2011 - 2013
REF: IPT-2011-1080-900000
Sistema Integral de Soporte a la Evacuación
e-Flow es una apuesta por un cambio sustancial en la forma de concebir la evacuación en edificios y otros entornos en los que, por su complejidad, la definición de un plan de evacuación adecuado es crucial ante un incidente que desencadene una emergencia que implique la evacuación de la instalación.
El planteamiento existente en la actualidad basado en planes de evacuación estáticos que no contemplan las particularidades de cada incidencia ni su evolución en el tiempo cambiará con el concepto que se plantea en esta propuesta en la que la tecnología aportará la respuesta a una situación anclada en el pasado, basada exclusivamente en normativas y no desde el incidente en sí mismo, contemplando la evacuación como un ente vivo y cambiante al cual se deben adaptar de forma dinámica todos los recursos.
Un sistema de estas características estará asentado sobre tres pilares básicos que se deben cumplir en el conjunto del proyecto: la fiabilidad, la robustez y la accesibilidad.
Main Researcher: Tomás E. Robles Valladares
2011 - 2013
REF: TSI-020302-2011-5
Identificación por Radiofrecuencia para la Producción, Distribución y Dispensación de Medicamentos
Enmarcado en el ámbito de Internet de las Cosas y las tecnologías de inteligencia ambiental, ÚNICA ID presenta una plataforma para la gestión integral de la trazabilidad de los medicamentos a través de RFID, abarcando todos los eslabones de la cadena de abastecimiento, desde su producción en las farmacéuticas, pasando por los distribuidores y almacenes (propios de las farmacéuticas o externos), hasta la dispensación en oficinas de farmacia y farmacias hospitalarias.
Uno de los aspectos innovadores vendrá dado por el nivel al que se realiza la identificación dentro de la jerarquía del empaquetado de los fármacos. Así, mientras que antes para un mismo lote miles de medicamentos compartían identificador, con UNICA ID, cada uno de esos medicamentos será identificado de forma unívoca. La trazabilidad pues, llegará al nivel de unidad de presentación (envase) y se extenderá a los siguientes niveles de empaquetamiento, i.e. caja, palé…..La información de su posición será recogida a su paso por puntos de lectura RFID, desplegados en los puntos claves de la cadena.
UNICA ID propone un sistema único, normalizado para todos los agentes involucrados y plenamente funcional tanto para un agente por separado como para el conjunto de toda o parte de la cadena. Desmarcándose de los sistemas actuales se aplicarán los estándares GS1 más extendidos para el marcaje y la trazabilidad, tanto a nivel de las tecnologías de inteligencia ambiental como a nivel de modelo y sistema de trazabilidad. De este modo, UNICA ID se presenta como una plataforma para la monitorización de la trazabilidad de los fármacos, utilizable a nivel interno de la empresa e interoperable con toda la cadena, compartiendo información de la traza a través de Internet.
Main Researcher: Tomás E. Robles Valladares
2010 - 2013
REF: TSI-0203002-2010-39
Tecnologías del Hotel del Futuro
THOFU is a large multidisciplinary R&D project which aims to enhance the offer of the hospitality sector through joint research on a new conception of the future hotel, from the spaces and their construction, to objects that reside in it, the interaction with guests, as well as the symbiosis with the Internet.
Main Researcher: Tomás E. Robles Valladares
2010 - 2013
REF: CENIT 2010-13
Contribution to the integration of network simulators and social simulation environments for the modelling of environments and smart devices
10 June 2019
This PhD Thesis work is developed in the areas of advanced communications, information technology and public safety by the NIST and is also embraced in the information society, a science area defined by the European Commission. The idea was conceived due to the lack of AmI environment simulators that consider both, the people that traverse these environments and the devices existing in them. On the one hand, current existing social simulators such as MASON, Repast or Swarm are focused on the people that interact in these environments but are not able to do an in-depth simulation of the devices and their communications. On the other hand, current existing network simulators such as ns-3, OMNet++ or NetSim are focused in simulating the devices in AmI environments and the communications among them but are not able to do an exhaustive simulation of people and their behavior.
In order to solve this problem, I propose in this work an AmI co-simulator called Hydra, that integrates MASON (a social simulator) and ns-3 (a network simulator). My proposal includes the necessary coordination mechanisms to make the whole simulation work, and all the modules necessary to perform the AmI simulation. Additionally, I propose a global data model, that integrates the objects from the social environment and the network environment; a sequence model able to integrate both simulations and a time model to calculate the limitations of the simulation. Based on the features required in a network simulator, a social simulator and additional ones identified in an AmI simulator, I proposed a methodology for the design of AmI simulators. I used that methodology to define the Hydra simulator.
Hydra was integrated in a real AmI environment obtaining the data from the sensors and actuators in the environment rather than generating them in the simulator. This integration enables the prediction of possible future events in the environment that could be prevented or at least minimize its effects. Hydra was also integrated with a semantic platform using a prosumer framework for easy service creation by end users with no experience creating and deploying services over a semantic AmI platform. This framework facilitates the extraction of the data provided by the semantic platform, the execution of the simulations and the improvement of the user experience.
In order to validate the proposal, several experimentations, surveys and simulations were carried out. The results from the validation concluded that: a more complete simulation of AmI environments can be obtained using Hydra than executing a social simulator and a network simulator separately, a methodology will help in the creation of co-simulators for AmI environments, future events can be predicted in an AmI environment using Hydra and prosumerization helps improving user experience.
In this work I proposed the integration of ns-3 (a network simulator) and MASON (a social simulator) to create a system I have called Hydra and is based on a proposed methodology that coordinates both simulators. Data, sequence and time models were proposed to define Hydra and it was integrated in an AmI environment for the prediction of events and it was also integrated with a prosumer framework to facilitate its use. All this work was validated with positive results.
My interest in programming, and particularly in game programming, began in 2001 when I got a TI-82 graphing calculator at school. I remember learning to program it reading the manual. It took some time and lots of errors (discovered how recursivity works because programs started to slow until unusable) but I managed to do interesting games such as a conversational adventure or a labyrinth exploration game. Unluckily it was stolen, and, in those days, I had no Internet and the calculator couldn't easily communicate with a computer (required a proprietary cable I didn't own). So, I have no backup other than some papers full of Basic code, but still have great memories about programming in this device.
As an exercise in a course at the university in 2005 we had to program something using JavaScript. I decided to create some games. My teacher didn't like the idea of using JS to program games and told me so in an email. Luckily, I keep it:
"No sé bien qué decirte. No me gusta desanimarte, pero la programación en JavaScript de estas cosas creo que es algo en desuso, un poco herencia del pasado. Si lo haces en flash o Java (applet), encaja más en la moda actual, tienes más potencia y tienes menos problemas."
And translated:
"I am not sure what to tell you. I don't want to discourage you, but JavaScript programming for these things I think is something in disuse, a heritage from the past. If you do it in flash or Java (applet), it fits more in the actual trend, you have more power and less problems."
Clearly, he was a visionary :)
Game where you must try to get all the tiles with the same image. It probably has a better name, but not sure how it is called. It can be found here.
Classic game. Don't explode! You can find it here.
Classic game about a snake eating apples. Don't crash! You can find it here. As you can see, I am not an artist ;).
I have always loved tank games and I have programmed them in several languages as can be seen in this section. This was my first attempt and I am proud of it, especially the boss. You can find it here. Again, GUI is not my strength and it clearly lacks a menu.
This is my attempt at implementing this boardgame. It is primitive and only has some basic cards, but it works. Here it can be downloaded.
I have dedicated some time to work on map creation tools that some games offered. Particularly, I have created some maps in two games: Starcraft and Warcarft 3. And the later one is the one I have dedicated most time to. It is a great tool with lots of options where you could add programming to trigger certain events, but I prefer being able to type in a text editor rather than input the options in dropdown menus. During a couple weeks I manage to attract interest to some people at CD-CROM (the RPG club I was at the university) and people started designing new heroes and things for a MMORPG we were trying to create. It didn't last too much, but I was able to create a map similar to a MMORPG with an aggro system and a boss. It was a great experience.
With the surge of Flash games, I decided to give it a try. It took me some time but managed to create some. Of course, one of those needed to be a tank game. Again, another technology that found its demise. What a pity. It can still be used, enabling flash in the browser, but not for much longer.
Here is my try with Flash and a tank game.
And I also tried to create something related to Dungeons and Dragons. I had lots of plans, it was going to be very complex but in the end all I created was a very basic demo that even lacks a very basic GUI indicating your HP and pathfinding for the enemies. Link to the game.
Having programmed in Java I made the jump to Android and created some games.
I told you I love this game so creating if for Android was the next obvious step. A tanks game would have been a better option but controlling it with the phone would not be very comfortable. It can be downloaded here. I am proud of this game but again, I am not good at graphics.
So, finally, JavaScript won on the browser. With the surge of HTML 5, great things could be created. I tried some projects.
This was one of my first tries. A very basic concept that can be seen here, nothing fancy.
Now something more serious. This tried to be an implementation of this boardgame but, as usually, it became just a test, nothing finished. It can be tested here.
A combat simulator for the previous game where you input both player ships and do several combat rounds. The interface is bad, but it works. Can be tested here.
It wouldn't have been me if I hadn't tried to create a tank game. So here it is, on Heroku. Again, had thought in a ton of different things to do, but at least it works.
I also have programmed some multiplayer game with a couple of friends. As our first project we decided to do a MMORPG so, as you can imagine, we didn't complete it. It was a very ambitious project with lots of syncing problems, but it was great to learn new things. It was also a good experience to try organizing ourselves, we even used Trello. At least we managed to create something, a hero moving in the scenario that could shoot magic missiles and teleport, and a couple of monsters that followed the hero to attack it. Even several players could connect at the same time. Unluckily, depending on a lot of libraries, it doesn't work nowadays. I might dedicate it some time to make it work again.
I have programmed a little in Unity, some of the tutorials, but nothing serious. Maybe someday I have time to create something interesting.